CANNA er produsent av gjødsel og voksende medier for velstående planter. Helt siden starten på begynnelsen av 90-tallet blir alle produktene vitenskapelig testet før de blir markedsført. Men allerede før selskapet ble startet var grunnleggerne vitenskapelig banebrytende innen dyrking. CANNA kontrollerer hele produksjonskjeden for sitt sortiment. Fra utvikling og forskning, gjennom markedsføring og til det unike miljøvennlige produksjonsstadiet. CANNAs dedikerte forskere søker kontinuerlig etter naturens hemmeligheter. Lidenskapen kommer til uttrykk i CANNAs kvalitetsprodukter som du kan kjøpe på Bamboo-Shop AS
Her finner du blant annet CANNAZYM som hjelper planter å absorbere næringsstoffer og øker motstanden mot sykdommer. Et enzymprodukt av høy kvalitet som akselererer prosessen med å bryte ned dødt rotmateriale og aktiverer gunstige mikroorganismer. CANNA PK 13/14 er en blanding av næringsstoffer av høyeste kvalitet som stimulerer blomstring. Den er enkel å bruke og gir høy avkastning.
CANNA RHIZOTONIC er en kraftig, algebasert, vegetativ stimulator for planterøttene. Den inneholder flere vitaminer, er 100% naturlig og tilfører mer enn 60 mikrobiologiske stoffer som betydelig akselererer veksten av et balansert rotmiljø.
CANNABOOST-akseleratorinneholder en blanding av planteekstrakter, sukker, mikronæringsstoffer, vitaminer, aminosyrer og spesielt oligosakkariner. Dette bidrar til økt metabolisme og immunsystem i planten og øker dermed plantens motstand mot sykdommer under blomstring.
CANNA Terra Flores er en komplett profesjonell gjødsel for blomstring av planter. Terra Flores stimulerer blomstene / fruktene og gir hver plante sin karakteristiske smak. Den kan brukes til både innendørs og utendørs dyrking.

Canna Terra Starter Kit
CANNA Terra startpakke inneholder alt du trenger for å vokse i jord.

CANNA Aqua Flores A+B 1L
Aqua Flores stimulates the growth of fruits and contains all necessary elements that are required during the blooming phase

CANNA Aqua Vega A+B 1L
Aqua Vega is easy to use and dissolves directly. Aqua Vega nutrition contains pH-stabilizers, so there is no need to adjust the pH

CANNA Terra Flores 0,50L
Terra Flores prevents the binding of nutritional ions. The availability and composition of nutrients play a crucial role during the plant’s flowering phase

CANNA Terra Flores 1L
Terra Flores prevents the binding of nutritional ions. The availability and composition of nutrients play a crucial role during the plant’s flowering phase

CANNA Terra Vega 0,50L
Terra Vega ensures a strong plant with large vital shoots and luxuriant root development. This is important for healthy, powerful growth and a high yield

CANNA Terra Vega 1L
Terra Vega ensures a strong plant with large vital shoots and luxuriant root development. This is important for healthy, powerful growth and a high yield

CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering.

CANNA Hydro Flores A+B 1L HW
Hydro Flores is directly available for the plant and consists of a correct composition of nutrients, which is crucial during the flowering phase.

CANNA Hydro Vega A+B 1L HW
CANNA Hydro Vega is a complete professional nutrient for the growing phase of plants.

CANNA RHIZOTONIC is a powerful, organic, algae based, vegetative stimulator for plant roots. It contains multiple vitamins and is 100% natural. RHIZOTONIC adds more than 60 microbiological substances that considerably speed up the growth of a balanced roo

CANNAZYM is a high-quality enzyme product that speeds up the process of breaking down dead root material and encourages beneficial micro-organisms. CANNAZYM also helps plants take up nutrients and increases the resistance against diseases.

CANNAZYM is a high-quality enzyme product that speeds up the process of breaking down dead root material and encourages beneficial micro-organisms. CANNAZYM also helps plants take up nutrients and increases the resistance against diseases.

CANNAZYM is a high-quality enzyme product that speeds up the process of breaking down dead root material and encourages beneficial micro-organisms. CANNAZYM also helps plants take up nutrients and increases the resistance against diseases.

CANNA PK 13/14 0,25L
If you want the biggest fruits and flowers, CANNA PK 13/14 is the right product for you. CANNA PK 13/14 is a mixture of top quality nutritional minerals that stimulate flowering. It´s easy to use and makes for high yields. PK 13/14 is suitable for any gro

CANNA PK 13/14 0,50L
If you want the biggest fruits and flowers, CANNA PK 13/14 is the right product for you. CANNA PK 13/14 is a mixture of top quality nutritional minerals that stimulate flowering. It´s easy to use and makes for high yields. PK 13/14 is suitable for any gro

CANNA PK 13/14 1L
If you want the biggest fruits and flowers, CANNA PK 13/14 is the right product for you. CANNA PK 13/14 is a mixture of top quality nutritional minerals that stimulate flowering. It´s easy to use and makes for high yields. PK 13/14 is suitable for any gro

CANNABOOST Accelerator 0,25L
CANNABOOST Accelerator boosts the metabolism of your plants. This is important, because the uptake of nutrients depends greatly on the plant´s health and metabolism rate. CANNABOOST is specially developed for short cycle plant varieties.

CANNABOOST Accelerator 0,50L
To put it simply, a booster should help a plant take up nutrients. The uptake of nutrients depends on the plant´s health and metabolic rate. The problem is that most ´boosters´ are just additional nutrients. True boosters like CANNABOOST, however, really

CANNABOOST Accelerator 1L
To put it simply, a booster should help a plant take up nutrients. The uptake of nutrients depends on the plant´s health and metabolic rate. The problem is that most ´boosters´ are just additional nutrients. True boosters like CANNABOOST, however, really

CANNA FLUSH is a product to clean substrates and plants from any excess nutrients. This is necessary, because excess nutrients can have a bad influence your next growth cycle. They could lead to over-fertilisation or malnutrition, for example.

CANNA FLUSH is a product to clean substrates and plants from any excess nutrients. This is necessary, because excess nutrients can have a bad influence your next growth cycle. They could lead to over-fertilisation or malnutrition, for example.